‘I want my son's dead body’

  • 11:39 18 December 2020
  • News
VAN - Songul Abi, the mother of HPG member Mervan Abi, who died in a conflict in Hakkari on June 14th, reacted to the fact that his son's dead body was not given to her.  “I want his body even if only one piece of his body remains” she said.
Two months after the DNA sample was given, the dead  body of the HPG member Mervan Abi, who died in the conflict in Hakkari on June 14, was still not given to the family. Expressing her son's dead body was not being given , Songül Abi said “He died on June 14 in Hakkari. I applied to the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor's office confirmed that my son had died. They said ''Go for now. We will inform you.''. 52 days were passed after our application, but they still did not give my son's body. This is a torture. ”she said.
'I want a tombstone'
Using the words “I want a tombstone. A want to pray near it”, Songül said, “There are families who have not been able to take their children's bodies for years. There are cemeteries that have been destroyed. We see them on TVs and news websites. It is a torture for families to give their children dead bodies after a long time has passed. They want us to give up. But they are our sons /daughters . We heard that another young man died with my son. I wish they gave us his body too with my son's body. They are all our children. There is no Kurdish mother who wants war. They don't want their children to die. We want peace in the face of the imposed war, ”.
'I want my son's funeral even if a part of it remains'
Songül stated that the prosecutor's office can immediately process the result of the DNA sample, if they wish. She said, “I want my son's funeral. The prosecutor's office still did not respond to our application. As families, we want funerals of our daughters and sons.  We don't want anything else. As long as we are alive, we will support them. The government should give us funerals of our daughters and sons ”.