'The only way is to have a national unity'

  • 12:33 16 December 2020
  • News
Saliha Aydeniz
DİYARBAKIR - Interpreting the events in the Kurdistan Regional Government, DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz said that it’s a historical period for Kurds. Pointing out that all Kurdish gains will be wasted if this period is not evaluated correctly, Saliha underlined that the only thing to be done is to ensure national unity by protecting the achievements.
Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) creates tension in the Kurdistan Regional Government with support of Turkey. For a long time, citizens have protested  the political crisis and poverty in the region. 
Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz evaluated what happened in the region. Saliha underlined what happened in Kurdistan Regional Government was similar to what happened in Turkey.  She stated that people were under pressure because they objected not to receive their wages . Reminding that this was not the first time, Saliha underlined that in the past years, people were in protests because they could not get their wages and because of the oppression of the administration. She emphasized that the protests in Kurdistan Regional Government are a reflection of the oppressive and monist system. Saliha said that the government should act according to the demands of the people and the interests of the society.
Turkey has responsibility
 According to Saliha there are 37 military bases of Turkey in  Kurdistan Regional Government. She said: ''Every street and neighborhood have been turned to de bases of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT).  There is an occupation and it comes from Turkey. This oppressive and monolithic bloc mentality experienced is not a situation developing outside of Turkey. People got a status by paying the prices there. This status should be a government that focuses on a social basis. Today, the protests of public servants who cannot receive their salaries for months are intervened. There are harsh interventions. I think if there is a protest, the government should review about ıts management policies and management style. Because the people there got status by paying a big price. They should set policies for the benefit of society, not for the interests of occupying governments.
Embargo is a part of hatred towards Kurds
Saliha said the embargo was applied in Maxmur with the pressure of Turkey. She continued: In the 1990s, people of Maxmur moved to South Kurdistan because of oppression of Turkey. In addition, the Maxmur camp is a camp under the guarantee of the UN. There has been an embargo here by oppression of Turkey. This embargo is not just an ordinary embargo. The Maxmur camp established its own system, despite all the oppressive system. The embargo across Maxmur Camp is a part of Turkey's  hatred towards Kurd in South Kurdistan. Turkey is trying to occupy the Kurdistan zone with the aim of 'misak-i milli' (the aim of having bigger land that include Kurdistan zone and some parts of other countries). We know that countries in the region,  especially Turkey, aim to abolish the Kurdish's gains.  Turkey feeds hostility to reach its Ottomanism dream. The embargo is a part of the occupation. Occupation is an attack on political status. Today Turkey attacks Rojava and also aims to end the Kurdish status in  South Kurdistan too.
'An attitude should be determined in line with the demands of the Shengal people'
Referring to the agreement made by Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government regarding Shengal, Saliha reminded the ISIS attack on Shengal in 2014. Expressing that those who were supposed to protect the Yazidi people left them alone in 2014, Saliha said, "When ISIS attacked Shengal, the Yazidi people could not protect themselves against the massacre they committed there. Since the Southern Kurdistan Government and the Iraqi Government did not protect the Yazidi people, 5,000 women were kidnapped. Thus, Yazidi people understood that they had to defend and protect themselves. They know that if they do not protect themselves, other forces will not protect them. Therefore, the people of Shengal determined a policy to maintain both their defense and their life by establishing their autonomy to govern themselves. The people of Êzidî need to be confident not to live the 75th edict or genoside. For this, a national unity must be created. ''
National unity must be established urgently
Underlining that the Kurds will face similar attacks as long as their national unity is not formed, Saliha said "History showed us this. The process we live in also shows this. We are in a historical process. We are in a period where the Kurds can turn these gains into a great status by forming their own unions. But also we are in a period in which they can waste their gains by creating fragmentation within themselves. What needs to be done for the Kurds to form their national unity within themselves. They should show determination to manage their own management and themselves. The Kurds are showing great resistance with their struggle for the last fourty years. Kurds are not the Kurds of a century ago. They have both institutions and political representatives. And there is a conscious public. The public is courageous and determined. Kurds need to form their national unions urgently. "