The hearing of the man who abused and massacred a baby is on December 10

  • 13:42 8 December 2020
  • News
SAKARYA - The hearing of the trial of Emre Salpat, who massacred a baby with systematic violence and abuse, will be held on December 10 at Sakarya Courthouse.
Emre Salpat, who massacred a baby by systematically violating and abusing in 2018 in the district of Geyve in Sakarya, was arrested for the crimes of "qualified sexual abuse of a child" and "killing a person who cannot defend herself/himself in terms of body or spirit". The second hearing of the trial  will be held on December 10 at the 3rd High Criminal Court of Sakarya Courthouse.
ATK's report confirms the abuse
The indictment prepared by the Sakarya Chief Public Prosecutor's Office that including Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) report says “The child has extremity fractures due to physical abuse. Cerebral hemorrhage occurred due to blunt head trauma. These occurred as a result of complications. In the report of ATK, it was stated that the baby was exposed to more than one head trauma in last three weeks before the death of the baby, and it was approved that the baby was exposed to sexual abuse ”.