'They attack to the culture through the female body '

  • 15:25 4 November 2020
  • News
ŞIRNAK - TJA's activist Emine İnan, who said that the "Em Xwe Diparêzin" (We defend ourselves) campaign was strongly embraced by women, said, "It is desired to carry out a policy of eradication in Kurdistan through the youth. Our nature is being burned and we are planned to be destroyed ”and emphasized that they will increase the struggle against all these.
As part of the "Em Xwe Diparêzin" (We defend ourselves) campaign launched by Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA-Free Women Movement) on September 15, activists continue to come together with women in the cities of the region. Promoting their campaigns to women, activists visit the streets and neighborhoods and ask the women they meet to support their campaigns.
TJA's activist Emine İnan, who works in Şırnak, spoke about the campaign launched against increasing male violence against women.
'The purpose of our campaign is to make the person know oneself'
Emine emphasized that the “Em Xwe Diparêzin” campaign and the previous campaigns are different from each other, and that this campaign was launched against existing male and state violence. Emine, stating that they began TJA as a four-month campaign, "We started this campaign with various actions and events in many cities of Turkey and Kurdistan. Women are provided with a uniting women from different walks of solidarity in Turkey and in one motion. This was one of the most important goals of our campaign. One of the goals of our campaign was to make the person know oneself and take action. There are thousands of women out there but cannot defend themselves when exposed to violence. For this reason, we have been trying to mobilize women in this direction for two months ”, drew attention to the importance of the campaign.
'They attack the culture through the female body'
Emine stated that they tell women how to protect themselves from the violence they are exposed to through workshops, home visits, street and neighborhood works, and underlined that every woman is exposed to mobbing and violence in her own life and work area. Emine said, “With the campaign we started as women, we give the following message; We will fight against the attacks against our nature, language and culture, social values. They attack our land, culture and history through the female body and rape. These kinds of policies are developing especially through young women. Botan history is an important place. They aim to break us away from natural life. "This is all part of the special war policy."
'Our nature is our life'
Emine pointed out that young women were targeted by expert sergeants and police, and emphasized that this was part of the dirty game. Pointing out that these policies are implemented in a different way in the region, Emine said, “In Kurdistan, it is desired to carry out a policy of eradication through youth. Our nature is being burned and we are planned to be destroyed through it. We will never accept such policies. We will not allow them to burn our nature and nuclear power plants. We have given strong responses to this and will continue to be in the fields. Our main thing is to get to know ourselves. Botan women protect their nature. Women who had to emigrate from the village under pressure continue to get to know themselves and to return to the core by returning to their villages. Women say, "Our nature is our life," and they also protect their nature ".
"I will continue to exist even if you destroy me"
Noting that she replied to the eradication policies of women by saying “I will continue to exist even if you destroy me”, Emine also drew attention to language crimes. Emine stated that there have been attacks on language since the past, and that they attack to our language in different ways. Emine said that the tradespeople were forced to speak Turkish and continued as follows: “All these are part of the special war policy. By applying economic pressure, they say "If you do not want to speak in turkish then lose your money and your job, you will speak Turkish." As women, we will continue to protect our language in every field. "
'Abbulah Öcalan holds the key to peace'
Emine stated that the most important issue is isolation and underlined that PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan has been under aggravated isolation conditions for years. Reminding that a meeting took place on May 22nd, Emine said, “This is not enough. Kurdish and Turkish people cannot live democratically until the isolation imposed upon Mr. Abdullah Öcalan ends. The key to peace is in Mr. Öcalan's hands. Turkey is a face to face chaos. As women, we want this isolation to end as soon as possible. This isolation is on the Kurdish people and women in the person of Mr. Öcalan. Our workshops continue on this, ”she said.
'Woman is used like a trinket in the economy'
Touching on the Istanbul Convention, Emine said that they also have studies on this. Emine emphasized that the failure to implement the Istanbul Convention led to the feminicides. Stating that the economy was created by women, Emine said, “Women are used like a trinket in the economy. The woman's economy was stolen from their hands. We will try to get them back ”and announced the November program of the works they will carry out within the framework of the campaign. Emine stated that they are making preparations for November 25 and added: “In our neighborhood the workshop activities will continue. We saw that we touched the feelings of women during the campaign process. Women working everywhere welcomed us with enthusiasm. The women we visit and chat with say, "We are here, but they shrouded us". Women from every ages send messages. Society does not surrender to capitalism. ”
'We will re-exist our culture'
Stating that women are also disturbed by the existing policies, Emine said, “We will re-create our culture that they want to drown. Mothers say they were attacked and their children were attacked. They say their children were forced into drugs and prostitution. We will work from November 1 to November 25. Along with women, men also support the campaign by saying "We are Defending Ourselves". Women give the message that they will resist the system. Women say they are not alone, ”he said.