93 people detained

  • 15:20 29 October 2020
  • News
ISTANBUL -  93 people have been detained in 12 provinces as parts of an Istanbul-based investigation. Among those detained there are Grup Yorum ( a band)  members and lawyers who are members of the Halkın Hukuk Bürosu (HHB- People's Law Bureau).
As part of an investigation conducted by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, an arrest warrant was issued for 120 people. Up to now, 93 people have been detained as a result of the operations carried out by the police in 12 cities of Turkey with the instructions of the prosecutor's office since yesterday.
Among those detained there are Seda Şaradı, a lawyer of the HHB, and Grup Yorum members.
In the statement made by the HHB regarding the detentions, it is stated that because of the "confidentiality" decision on the investigation file, they are not informed about their clients, and a "lawyer opinion restriction" is imposed for 24 hours.
According to received reports, the other 27 people, whom an arrest warrant has been issued for, are still being sought.