'We must straggle for a free co-life'

  • 14:13 27 October 2020
  • News
Gulistan Azak
ISTANBUL - TJA members meet with the youth within the scope of “Em Xwe Diparêzin”campaign launched by the TJA and they have discussed " the acceptance and rejection criteria in love and freedom" together. Stating that the love criterion which intervene the self and personality of the individual must be rejected, Dicle Doğan, the member of HDP Youth Assembly, says 'We must straggle for a free co-life.'
The "Em Xwe Diparêzin" (We defend ourselves) campaign launched by the Tevgera Jinên Azad (Free Women's Movement-TJA) in Diyarbakır on September 15 grows with the support and participation of women from different segments. Women raise their voices against the patriarchal-capitalist system and impositions with the actions and activities in many cities within the scope of the campaign aiming to organize self-defense against isolation, war policies, femicide and assimilation. The TJA aims to be a solution to the problems of young people within the scope of the campaign. The campaing saying "We will defend ourselves against all the attacks that turn women into sexual slaves through sexual and isolate and disgrace young people from the society through drugs and spying, by using sexual violence and torture as a special war policy," discusses the acceptance-rejection criteria in the understanding of "love and freedom" along with young people.
Dicle Doğan, a member of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Council, evaluates the concepts of love as follows;
'Love contains many emotions'
Dicle stated that love is defined as "excessive love, devotion and passion for someone or something" in general definition, but this definition can differ for everyone. She emphasizes that the definition of love should not be narrowed down to the bilateral relations imposed by the capitalist system. Dicle says, “Love is a powerful emotion. It creates great transformations in the individual. Love can be felt for nature and struggle. It would be wrong to fit love into a narrow mold. Love should never weaken willpower; mind, intuition and it should not remove emotions. The decision maker should not destroy the willpower. Love only for the opposite sex is a very limited and narrowed emotion. It contains many feelings such as love of land, love of family, love of people, love of companionship. “The love shown us by the digital society, TV series is not a scenario containing realistic emotions. “
“The standart requires the deial of atatcks against individualism and personality“
Pointing out that the standart of love is to refuse all intervention against individualism and personality, Dicle says, "No one should react in a way that destroys another person's willpower. Otherwise, it's not love but a feeling wants to seize.". "Today, love has been discredited. The loves of this period are the manifestation of the mentality imposed by the dominant system on people and society. If the love is blind, it can even put people in the worst situations. However, whether in bilateral relations or in all areas of social life; free, equal, democratic partnerships should be essential. Voluntary partnerships in sharing common life must be equal," she says.
'Men should get out of that feeling of hegemony'
Dicle reminds that women's wills, feelings and thoughts have been postponed as a result of giving women a secondary role in life through gender roles from past to present. “Men appear to be the one who always tries to hold power in gender roles and try to achieve this under all conditions. They should get out of that feeling of hegemony imposed by the system and liberate theirselves. Dicle emphasises that, "Men should kill their manhood. Providing value to each other has been trivialized at these times. All of the bilateral relations reflected on the television and the internet are based on an artificial basis. We should not accept these judgments imposed on us by the capitalist system, we should struggle for free co-life" she says.
'The struggle for freedom and equality will bring us closer to the phenomenon of love'
Underlining that no individual can be free in the patriarchal-capitalist system Dicle says: “Freedom should not be condemned to excessive hedonism. It must be based on willpower. It is to be able to produce values for the social life and for the people in all areas of life. The conditions we live in now are in a situation that restricts our freedom and imprisons us. As you cannot freely walk on the streets, speak your native language freely; as a woman, you are subjected to social values when you wander the streets freely. When women are raped or killed, this is found normal. When you want to speak your native language, you are marginalized, beaten, murdered.
The struggle for freedom and equality will bring the individual closer to the phenomenon of love. To achive this, we should primarily the loves imposed by orders. Instead of saying 'my woman', men should give priority to saying 'the woman who should be liberated'. Men should abandon the sovereignty criteria that he has won over women for thousands of years in himself and in the male-dominated society. Thus, they must accept having equal power with women.