Stêrk TV reporter lost his life

  • 13:10 14 October 2019
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Stêrk Tv reporter Mihemed Hisen Reşo, who was wounded in yesterday’s Turkish airstrike against a civilian convoy in Serêkaniye, has lost his life.
As Turkey’s attacks on NE Syria have entered sixth day, Stêrk Tv reporter Mihemed Hisen Reşo, who was wounded in yesterday’s Turkish airstrike against a civilian convoy in Serêkaniye, has lost his life.
11 civilians, including Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reporter Seed Ehmed were killed in yesterday’s Turkish airstrike against a civilian convoy in Serêkaniye. Dozens of people, including journalists Rojbîn Akcin, Bircan Yıldız, Ersin Çaksu, ANHA reporter Mehmet Ekinci and Stêrk TV speaker Emel Yunus have been wounded.