Current situation in NE Syria: 3 civilians killed

  • 16:44 12 October 2019
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Three civilians have lost their lives and dozens of civilians have been injured in today’s Turkey’s attacks on NE Syria.
Turkey’s attacks on NE Syria have entered fourth day. Three civilians have lost their lives and dozens of civilians have been injured in the attacks and clashes being intensified around Girê Spî (Tell Abyad), Serêkaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and Qamishli cities.
The attacks on Qamishli city center and its neighborhoods are still going on. In the morning, a woman named Îman Îbrahîm (24), who was on the balcony of her house, was targeted and killed by snipers from Nusaybin border line.
Last night, a public bakery known as Firneye Ali in Qamishli city was bombed and two civilians lost their lives and six others were injured.
Name of one of killed civilians is identified as Hesen Silêman Elî. Names of injured civilians are Hesen Nasir Eswed, Mûnîr Xidir El-Elawî, Fadil Cedan El-Tiqtiq and Hebîb Mihemed Reşad Hebo.
Intensified attacks were carried out from Turkish border to Dêrik city last night. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) responded the attacks and violent clashes took place in the region.
One of the places where violent clashes are going on is Serêkaniye city. The clashes in the city, where become target of fighter jets and artillery fires for days, still continue. In the morning, airstrikes and ground attacks were carried out on Roj Hospital located in the city. The hospital hosting many wounded people has been damaged.
The bazaar in the Ronahi Neighborhood was bombed in the morning. Many civilians have been reportedly injured as result of attacks.
Severe clashes are going on in the east and west of the city.
Girê Spî
Girê Spî has also been under intense attacks since yesterday. The Eyn Erus neighborhood in the south of the city was bombed.
Meanwhile, hundreds of civilians from Manbij, Tebqa, Reqa ve Dêrazor flocked to Girê Spî in the day. The people flocking to the city showed their solidarity to local resisting people.
Fighter jets targeted a civilian convoy heading from Reqa for Girê Spî. Many casualties have been reported from the region.
A child is critically wounded
Muxtar Mehmud Elewi (7) has been critically wounded in the airstrike on Girê Spî. The child has been taken to Eyn İsa Hospital.