Hunger striker journalist Kibriye Evren remains in prison again

  • 08:30 17 April 2019
  • News
DIYARBAKIR - The hearing of journalist Kibriye Evren, who is under arrest in Diyarbakir E-Type Prision and has been on a hunger strike for 122 days got postponed to may 7.
She was detained in Diyarbakir in 10.09.2018 under an operation, led in 9 cities at the same time, in which 142 people, including other journalists and politicians, were taken into custody. Fourth hearing of her case took place in Diyarbakir 5th Assize Court. Kibriye, who went on the strike on december 16 in prision, didn't attend the hearing, while her attorneys Resul Temur and Pirozhan Karali were present. Co-workers and family of Kibriye also attended the hearing.
She won't be attending the hearings untill contact with Abdullah Ocalan is made.
Kibriye submitted a pettition stating she won't be attending the hearings untill interdiction on Abdullah Ocalan has been lifted and the hunger strikes have ended.
Court board announced that the case was combined with Ankara 2nd Assise Court's case no.2019/77.
Found guilty on being a TJA activist and traveling abroad 
The dictum of counsel for the prosecution expressed; "When evaluated together the statements 3 ananymous witnesses on her carrying out activities under TJA and being responsible in media, the entry records of her traveling in and out of the country at the same time as other fellers with separate cases, apprehended materials and the case as a whole it is understood that she is guilty of taking part in the hierarchical structure and carrying activities in the KCK outgrowth of PKK as a member. Therefore the excecution of clause 314/2  of 5237 Turkish Penal Code and 5th clause of Turkish Civil Code,
Also there is enough evidence to initiate a criminal case against Kibriye for the accused crime of propaganda through press and post made by the suspect are avoking violence, as understood by the entirety of the case, therefore execution of clause 7/2 of Turkish Civil Code and clauses 4/3, 53/1 of Turkish Penal Code. Also nature of the accused crime, the state of the evidence and reasonable criminal suspision calls for Clause 100/3 of Criminal Court Law, meaning the continuation detention is requested and deliberated for the public weal."
Attorneys Pirozhan Karali and Resul Temur, who defended against the dicta, requested time to make declaration against it.
It was requested to call journalist witnesses.
Attorney Resul Temur said "Crimes our client is accused of by an anonymous witness were acquitted in cases commenced to Esra Solin Dal, Mehmet Akdogan and Savas Aslan. Our client has been under arrest for a long time. We are of the opinion that she should be released before the judgement, in order to be able to plead in better conditions. Therefore we request the release of the release of our client and the calling for Esra Solin Dal, Mehmet Akdogan and Savas Aslan as witnesses."
After a short break the court denied the request to call witnesses for the nature of the accused crime, the state of evidence and apprehension warrants. It decided by reason of reasonable suspicion and 100/3 claus of Criminal Court Law the continuation detention and postponing of the hearing to may 7.