Dismissed women: Our votes are for hope, democracy and future 2018-06-12 11:47:22   MARDİN - “Our votes are for the party of hope, democracy and future,” said the female members of the Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Union (KESK) who were dismissed and subjected to pressure policies of the AKP.   The excitement for elections in Mardin province, where the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) nominated six MP candidates for the elections to be held on June 24, is going on at full stream. The women, who were dismissed by emergency decrees issued under the state of emergency said they would vote for the party promising hope.   'Labor has not been disregarded that much’   Aslıhan Sezer, who was dismissed due to her opposing identity while she was Co-chair of Eğitim Sen (Teachers’ Union) Branch said, “In fact, many people may think that we are unprepared for the snap elections. But we are ready for every election. As laborers, we will stand by a political party that symbolizes peace and increases hope. As laborers and women, we want a president who can play saz (a musical instrument). I am one of the administrators of the Eğitim Sen and I was dismissed from my job just for this reason. I lost my job. Even this is enough reason showing that the ruling party should be changed. The women haven’t been belittled like that by any of the ruling party before. The laborers haven’t been belittled like that before. Labor hasn’t been disregarded that much.”   ‘We will continue to struggle’   Özlem Üçler Oğuz, dismissed member of the Eğitim Sen, emphasized that she would vote for the HDP for the future of her children. Özlem said, “We know that we were dismissed because of being opponents. Being opponents is standing against ‘one-man system’. We had opposing identities and we were dismissed from our jobs for this reason.”   ‘I will work to provide a better future to my children’   Stating that she would work in order to prevent the votes from being stolen, Özlem said, “If needed, I will take my child and I will work. Of course, I have hope that the HDP will get into the parliament. Our party is beautiful with children, youth and women. We are beautiful and strong together. Everything can be changed by us.”