Syrian Women's Forum starts 2018-05-28 16:46:56   QAMISHLO -“Future of the Women of North and Northeast Syria” forum sponsored by Syrian Women’s Council has been held in Qamishlo city. Upon the call of the United Nations (UN), “Future of the Women of North and Northeast Syria” forum has been held at Sehara Hall in Qamishlo city with the sponsorship of the Syrian Women’s Council (SKM) and the support of Kongreya Star and Common Ground Organization. Many women activists and women members of NGOs have attended the forum. Today, the women discussed on work opportunities for women and the women's policies to be carried out in the upcoming period. The SKM General Coordinator Lina Berekat made the opening speech and she said, “Such forums have a great importance for women’s works. It is particularly important that such work is being carried out under conditions of war. First of all, women's defense organizations should be taken as the basis. Women can protect themselves and their families in the same way that women benefit from their laws.” Women will discuss how the women can solve the problems they face in social, economic, political, defense and security areas during the two-day forum.