Jineology Young Women's Camp completes with intense debate 2018-05-28 11:23:59   Ruken Cudi-Devrim Amed   DIRBESIYE - The trainings for “Jineology Young Women's Camp” organized in Jinwar Women’s Village completed. The trainings will continue in Kobanê, Shebha, Manbij and many cities in the coming days.   “Jineology Young Women's Camp” started in Northern Syria’s Dirbesiye city on May 21 ended after important debates. During one-week training camp organized in Jinwar Women’s Village, the women carried out intense debates over history, ethics, aesthetics, the meaning and purpose of jineology. The camp became a moral source for women.   ‘We want to tell Jineology to all women’   İsyan Dilsoz, a member of the education committee, stated that they want to tell Jineology to all women. İsyan said they had come together with the women living in four parts of Kurdistan and women from different cultures such as Arap and French women had also joined them.   ‘Women realized their strength’   İsyan talked about one-week camp and she said, “We learned the r goddess culture in women's history lesson. During the Jineology lesson, we clarified what form we should build our own being and consciousness. We got moral and our minds have opened. We learned that Jineology actually has existed in our lives for hundreds of years but we couldn’t give a name to it. During the ethics and aesthetics lesson, we realized that the capitalist system’s sense of ‘beauty” actually was ‘ugly’. Our discussions were productive.”   The camps will go on   Noting that the training camp will go on, İsyan said that they will organize the one-month camp in Kobanê, Shehba and Manbij and that they have planned to organize a training program for young women coming from Europe.   “The Rojava Revolution is a women’s revolution. As young women, we have taken the lead this women’s revolution. We state that we stand for this revolution by creating an intellectual level for the young women.”