HDP presents news candidates in place of vetoed candidates 2018-05-26 11:37:48       ANKARA - Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has presented news candidates in place of the candidates who were vetoed by the Supreme Electoral Council.   Turkish Supreme Electoral Council vetoed several female candidates nominated by the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) for the elections to be held in Turkey on June 24. The HDP has presented news candidates in place of the vetoed candidates.   Berivan Özpolat Şimşek has been nominated as candidate in place of the vetoed Bedriye Yorgun member of the Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions (KESK) in Antep province.   Nuran İmir has been nominated as candidate in place of the vetoed current HDP Şırnak MP Leyla Birlik in Şırnak province.    Mehmet Rüştü Tiryaki has been nominated as MP candidate in Batman province in place of the vetoed İdris Baluken, who has been sentenced to nine years and two months in prison. Zeynel Özen has been nominated as candidate in place of the vetoed Turgut Öker, the Honorary President of the European Alevi Unions Confederation (Avrupa Alevi Birlikleri Konfederasyonu - AABK). Adnan Şahin has been nominated as candidate in place of the vetoed Yüksek Akgün in Bursa province.