Kıymet Zengin: We will never forgive this state 2018-05-26 11:03:50   Şehriban Aslan    DİYARBAKIR - No news has been received from Fehmi Tosun for 23 years after some people using a white Renault took him in front of his house. “Would they be so relaxed if one of their members was missing?” asked Fehmi’s sister Kıymet Zengin who indicated that she will never forgive the state.    “Unsolved murder” is a part of the annihilation policies carried out in Kurdistan and the unsolved murders still remains unsolved. The struggle of family of Fehmi Tosun has continued since he was forcibly disappeared. Fehmi’s sister Kıymet Zengin said their all applications to find him remained inconclusive and she told the missing story of Fehmi as follows;   “In 1991, he was taken into custody in Lice district of Diyarbakır. He was jailed after being held in custody for 20 days. He stayed in prison for three years. His wife Hanım Tosun and his children had to move to Diyarbakır city center in 1993 due to house raids conducted in the village when he was in prison. After a while, they wanted to return their village but their house was torn down because they refused to be village guards. They didn’t have any chance to return their house anymore. Fehmi didn’t want to stay in Diyarbakır city center after being released from the prison. First Fehmi moved to Istanbul and then his wife and children.  They began to live in Avcılar.   ‘They took him into a white Renault’   “On October 19, 1995, Fehmi and his friend Hüseyin Aydemir left the house at 10:00. In the same day, Fehmi was brought to his home in a white Renault at 19:00. Fehmi’s daughter, niece, son and wife saw Fehmi and some people carrying police radio were entered the garden behind the apartment. Fehmi began to scream when he saw his wife was looking on them from the window and he said, “They are killing me, help” and he asked for help. Fehmi was taken into the car until his wife came down. Hanım run after the car but she missed it. She asked the people around her to write down the number of the plate. We haven’t received any news from him since then.”   ‘Police officers raided the house left a message’   Saying that Hanım went to Avcılar Police Station in the same day, Kıymet continued to tell what had happened as follows; “She gave them the number of the plate and she made a complaint. She went to the house of Hüseyin Aydemir at the same night and she learned that he wasn’t returned to his house. The next day, she made a complaint to the State Security Court in Beşiktaş. And then she went to the office of the Human Rights Association (İHD) to make an application. When she returned to her home she found her house had been raided. She saw her house had been raided and police had taken two pictures and left a message for her. The message said she should go to Gayrettepe. Hanım went to Gayrettepe with her husband’s cousin. The police officer told Hanım to not be afraid and to tell what she knew. The police officer asked her how she could write down the number of the plate while she was illiteracy. Police told her “Tell what you know otherwise it is a pity that the man will be disappeared”. Hanım saw the pictures of Fehmi and Hüseyin on a file.”   ‘Threats and insults continued for a long time’   Stating that Hanım went to the State Security Court again, Kıymet said, “They gave the application back to Hanım when she went to the State Security Court after three days and they told her to make complaint to the court being responsible for Avcılar. First she went to Bakırköy Prosecution Office but her application was refused. Then she made application to the Küçükçekmece Prosecution Office. She went to the office of the İHD and demanded a lawyer after not receiving any reply from the prosecution office. After several months, someone called Hanım. The person called her told her to wait for a while. Then Hanım heard several gunshots. Then the person called her told her, “Okay you can hang up”. Hanım still doesn’t know who called her and what the gunshots were. The threats by phone continued for a long time. The people called her insulted her. Hanım made complaints about the calls but she didn’t receive any results. Hanım has joined the Saturday Mothers since then. She has been taken into custody for these protests.”   ‘Why haven’t the perpetrators been found yet?’   Kıymet said, “These people were forcibly disappeared by the state. We have followed this and we will continue to follow. We don’t know how to thank to Fehmi’s wife enough. She has demanded justice for my brother without stopping. We will never forgive this state. Would they be so relaxed if one of their members was missing?