A commission established against vote rigging in Diyarbakır 2018-05-21 13:35:36       Şehriban Aslan   DİYARBAKIR - Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Provincial Co-chair Filiz Buluttekin gave information about their electoral campaign and election safety in the city. “We will never allow the vote rigging,” said Filiz who stated that all the officials and commissions are ready for the polls.   The preparations for election safety are going on in Diyarbakır where electoral campaigns continue at full steam. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Provincial Co-chair Filiz Buluttekin commented on their electoral campaign and election safety in the city. Filiz said they set up election campaign booths in many places of the city and they visited the shopkeepers and they continued their campaign after iftar (the evening meal during Ramadan).   ‘We will never allow the vote rigging’   “They will not success in the Amed city center and other places,” Filiz said, “We will never allow them to steal and rig in the elections.”    ‘People in Diyarbakır say ‘HDP’ the persecution’   Saying that the people are waiting for June 24 in Diyarbakır, Filiz indicated that the people support the HDP against the persecution, pressure and fascism. “We take our strength and suggestions from the people,” Filiz said, “We discuss how we can get better results and how we can improve ourselves. The people stand by us with enthusiasm. “   Call on women and youths   Filiz called on the women and youths as follows; “I am calling on all women and youths to stand up for the ballot boxes for our future, culture, values and will. Because the women can change the system and society. The youths should stand up for their will for an equal and free life.”   ‘We will work day and night ‘   Mentioning that their election programme in Diyarbakır, Filiz said, “We will set up our election campaign booths. We will carry out our campaign in front of shopping malls, hospitals and shops in the day. After iftar, we will hold panels and forums for the people visiting our booths.”