Hüda Kaya: Speaking out against oppression is a conscientious duty 2018-05-15 14:04:31        DİYARBAKIR - Democratic Islam Congress (DİK) Co-spokesperson Hüda Kaya called on international organizations against the attacks of Israel on Palestinian people and she said, “Speaking out against oppression also in their countries without discrimination is a conscientious duty.”   Democratic Islam Congress (DİK) condemned the attacks of Israeli soldiers on Palestinian people during demonstrations against the beginning of the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. More than 60 people were killed in the attack. DİK Co-spokesperson and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul MP Hüda Kaya and the members of the DİK attended the press conference held at the building of the DİK.   ‘They chose to attack on Nakba Day’   Speaking during the conference, Hüda said that the US has officially relocated the Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem, “They chose to relocate it on Nakba Day memorized by the Palestinian people who have been forcibly displaced from their territory for 70 years, as returning day to their territory.”   Response to Israeli Prime Minister   Expressing that the Palestinian people protested this decision in many places, Hüda noted that at least 59 people have been killed and more than 2,000 people have been injured in the protests. Hüda responded the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel as follows; “This statement is the rejection of resolution between two countries by the United Nations.” Stating that Turkey is trying to pretend to object to US President Donald Trump’s decision that declares Jerusalem as capital of Israel, Hüda underlined that Turkey has officially accepted that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel after the compensation deal for Mavi Marmara.   ‘Don’t stay silent against massacre’   Hüda called on the international Islamic institutions and organizations to not stay silent against the massacre and she said, “Standing up for Palestinian people is a conscientious duty like standing up for the oppressed people in our countries without discrimination. For this reason, speaking out against oppression also in their countries without discrimination is a conscientious duty.”