No safety of life in state hospital! 2018-05-14 11:03:05   MARDİN - Dargeçit State Hospital, which became the main topic of conversation due to the lack of technical material over the past few months, has a security problem now.   The problems of the Mardin’s Dargeçit State Hospital, which became the main topic of conversation due to the lack of technical material over the past few months, never end. The people go to the hospital, which has a limited number of doctors and technical equipment, have been sent to hospital in Mardin’s Midyat district. The hospital hasn’t got any maternity rooms even if there is a gynecologist in the hospital and now security problems are going on in the hospital.   ‘No need for security, the district is a small place’   The hospital staff members said they had applied to the District Health Directorate and the Ministry of Health many times but they had been told, “No need for security, the district is a small place”. The members said they stood watch until morning because they didn’t feel safe so that they couldn’t work effectively and they called police when they had problems.   ‘No security for the workers of the hospital’   One of the workers of the hospital said, “We demanded security many times but they said there was ‘no need’ and they did nothing. The doctors don’t know what they should do. There is no security for any of the workers of the hospital. We have to call police for every problem.”