30 women killed in April 2018-05-07 10:54:29   NEWS CENTER - 30 women were killed and at least 51 children sexually abused n Turkey in April, says a new report released by the We Will Stop Femicide Platform.   We Will Stop Femicide Platform (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu - KCDP), has released its report on violence against women in April. The report states 30 women were killed in April and it emphasizes that sexual violence and child abuse continue to increase. The KCDP has announced that the rate of femicide increases again, “Number of femicides declined in March but it increased in April again. The rise of women’s movement and the condemning the violence against women and children by everyone on International Women’s Day were effective the decline in March.” The report emphasizes that the women were killed for wanting to make a decision on their own lives. The report states that 10 out of 30 women were killed in April on this ground.   The cities where femicides occurred the most in April are İstanbul (5), Adana (3), Antep (3) and Kocaeli (3), says the report.   Three women are struggling to live   The report says three women, who are seriously wounded by men in Adana, Tekirdağ and Kayser, have struggled for their lives in hospital.   The KCDP also announces that at least 51 children were sexually abused in April and says, “But we know that real number is much more than that.” The report says 26 out of 51 children were sexually abused at their school and 10 of them were sexually abused at home.