Women cannot go out without wearing burqas in Afrin! 2018-05-06 13:01:02   Sozda Oremar   EFRÎN - Pressure and forced practices implemented in Raqqa declared as capital by Daesh have been implemented in Afrin by Turkish army and Free Syrian Army (FSA). Local sources in the city report that the women have been banned to go out without wearing burqas and they have been allowed to go outside if a man accompanies them.   The practices implemented in Afrin controlled by the Turkish Army and Free Syrian Army (FSA) are equal with the practices had been implemented in Raqqa declared as capital by Daesh. The torture and forced practices implemented in Raqqa have been implemented in Afrin. Local sources in the city report that the women have been banned to go out without wearing burqas and they have been allowed to go outside if a man accompanies them. The pictures sent to our news agency show the women wearing burqas with a man accompanying them in the Afrin city center controlled by the Turkish army and FSA since March 18.   More than 300 civilians were killed   Turkish army and FSA launched an operation on Afrin on January 20, 2018 and named this operation killed more than 300 civilians, mostly women and children, as “Operation Olive Branch”. The people of Afrin didn’t leave their city for 58 days despite heavy weapons used against them. On May 18, the Turkish army and FSA fighters entered the Afrin city center and most of people had to migrate to Shehba region to not face massacres.   According to report prepared by the Democratic Syrian Council, more than 300 civilians, including 56 women and 46 children, were killed and 448 civilians were injured in the attacks on Afrin.   The footages and pictures showed how Turkish army and FSA fighters looted the Afrin city center and plundered civilian residences and shops belonging.   Congress makes Afrin part of Turkish province   On March 19, a meeting called “The Afrin Liberation Congress” was held. Hasan Şindi was elected as the spokesperson of the congress. The congress makes Afrin de facto part of Turkish province.   Women are abducted, subjected to sexual assault   The pressure on people living in the Afrin city center and its villages has been increased after the new governance formed in the city. In the last period, the reports say the women have been abducted and subjected to sexual assault by the gangs’ members.