Êzidîs living in AFAD camp forced to migrate to Europe 2018-05-05 07:47:10   MARDİN - Êzidîs, who were forcibly taken out from the refugee camp in Diyarbakır province to AFAD camp located in Mardin province, have begun to migrate to Europe due to hate speech and problems they have faced for a year.   Thousands of Êzidî people, who were forcibly displaced due to attacks of Daesh gangs on Shengal on August 3, 2014, were settled in the Fidanlık Camp built by the Yenişehir Municipality. However, the Êzidî people were taken out from the camp last year in January and they were forcibly sent to the state-run AFAD camp located in Mardin’s Midyat district. The Êzidî people, who have been constantly subjected to hate speech by camp staff and officials, can go out of the camp only two days a week. They have problems to see a doctor and have medicine and they have to pay to get medicines in the camp.   They face hate speech   Êzidî people, who were threatened by the camp authorities saying, “You will not say anything to anyone asking you a question”, are complaint about being marginalized. Maintaining their lives in tents whose air conditions don’t work in summer Êzidî people’s children don’t have any place to play. A Êzidî woman named Xerê noted that the food given them in the camp is not enough and she said they bought all their food with their own means. She also emphasized that the people having difficulties in practicing their worship and that they have subjected to hate speech.   ‘My disease proceeds because I cannot take my medicine’   Xerê had to go to Midyat State Hospital because she cannot take her medicine in the camp. Xerê said, “They give medicines to everyone without asking money from them but we give money for medicines. For this reason, we cannot take our children to hospital when they become sick because we cannot we don’t have money to buy medicines. I had to come here (hospital) because I cannot buy medicines. The doctor refers me to hospital in Batman. I don’t what I should do now. We have spoken out these for a year but nobody talk about us. Most of people living in the camp were forced to migrate to Europe due to what is happening here.”