May Day celebrated in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan 2018-05-01 17:59:14   NEWS CENTER - Workers and laborers in Iraq and Southern Kurdistan took to the streets for International Workers’ Day and spoke out their demands.   International Workers’ Day was celebrated in Hewler, Kirkuk and Halabja cities of Southern Kurdistan led by the Kurdistan Communist Party. Hundreds of people gathering on Hewler Avenue marched until Market Square. The representatives of unions and communist party also joined the rally.   The people chanted slogans such as “Long live May 1” and “Our salary should be paid” during the march. Kurdistan Communist Party Secretary General Kawa Mahmut made a speech at the Market Square and said, “Iraq and Kurdistan region governments must fulfil the rights of workers. Support for strengthening union activities should be increased. The laws shouldn’t be against the workers, they should protect the rights of workers.”   International Workers’ Day was celebrated at Baxê Giştî Park in Halabja. The workers wore their working clothes and demanded their salaries that they haven’t received for years.   Workers, members of unions and political parties gathered at Gerek Ahmet Ağa Square of Kirkuk and they celebrated International Workers’ Day.   Workers took the streets in Iraq   May Day was celebrated in many cities of Iraq with great enthusiasm. The celebrations took place in Baghdad, Kerada, Nidal, Sadun and many other cities led by Iraq Communist Party.   Women, youth, factory workers, representatives of unions and many people joined the International Workers’ Day celebration took place at Baghdad Square. The people chanted slogans such as “Long live May 1”, “Let’s raise the workers’ struggles” and they carried the picture of Karl Marx. May Day was also celebrated in Kerada, Nidal and Sadun.