Letter from Sincan Women’s Prison: Searches become torture 2018-04-29 13:13:27   İZMİR - Bahar Demir sent a letter from Sincan Women’s Prison and she said they were dragged on the floor and battered for objecting to the search methods and the police confiscated their belongings sent by post.   Bahar Demir sent a letter from Sincan Closed Women’s Prison to the team of gorulmustur.org. In her letter, Bahar spoke of rights violation they face in the prison. Stating that their posts haven’t been given them, Bahar wrote the packages sent by their families were controlled by the police officers of the Anti-Terror Branch. Bahar said their packages were given to them after the control by the Anti-Terror Branch police.   ‘Seacrhes become torture’   Expressing that the prisoners are being tried to be surrendered by disciplinary punishments, Bahar wrote the disciplinary punishments are performed particularly during going and returning to the court. Bahar wrote, “When we return from the court, we are taken to search rooms. Then we go through the X-Ray machine. We have searched before and after going through the X-Ray machine for two months. They search us for three times and we don’t accept to be searched three times in two minutes. They also search us when we enter the cell.”   Threat from the prison director   In her letter, Bahar spoke of an incident she faced on April 12 along with nine women and she wrote, “The wardens attacked and searched us because we didn’t accept the search after the X-Ray control. They dragged us on the floor. A warden closed the door while one of our comrades was being dragged. The aim was to hurt our comrade. Our comrades rescued her from the closing door. The heavy iron door would have hit her head if she couldn’t have rescued herself. Our comrade has epilepsy. All of us witnessed this this deliberate behavior. We were attacked when we objected to this behavior. We were subjected to the attack and we received disciplinary punishment. ‘You will see’, said the director of the prison and he threatened us.”