Pervin Buldan: Kurdish people will teach a historic lesson to those who ignore their will 2018-04-28 17:17:53   VAN - Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Pervin Buldan came together with the people of Erciş and talked about the upcoming general election in Turkey and said, “The Kurdish people will teach a historic lesson to those who ignore their will and values.”   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Pervin Buldan and a delegation came together with the people of Erciş district of Van province within the scope of activities for general election to be held on June 24. The delegation members departed from Ağrı to Erciş district in the morning. The HDP members were welcomed by hundreds of cars at the entrance of the district. Pervin made a speech there and began to talk after thanking the people for their great interest.   ‘People of Erciş should stand up’   Stating that the peoples in Turkey, particularly the Kurdish people, will say to the AKP-MHP alliance “We don’t want you anymore”, Pervin said, “The Kurdish people will teach a historic lesson to those who ignore their will and values. Erciş Municipality Co-mayor Diba Keskin is still held in prison. They can hold our co-mayors and politicians hostage in prisons but all our elected people will be elected on June 24 and they will stand by you. The people of Erciş should overcome their fears and they should stand up.”   ‘Our people will respond on June 24’   Noting that the people need hospitals not prisons, Pervin continued to talk as follows: “Our people will respond to the AKP suspending all freedoms in Turkey on June 24. The AKP shouldn’t take even a vote in Erciş and the region. For two days, the President has talked about more democracy but they couldn’t bring the democracy they have talked about for 16 years.”   Pervin said they would announce their presidential candidate on May 3.   Pervin and HDP members departed from Erciş to Van province.