DTK: Afrin is updated version of genocidal policies 2018-04-24 12:04:34   DİYARBAKIR - Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Peoples and Beliefs Commission condemning the genocide against Armenians stated that 103 years have passed since this human tragedy but Turkey prefers the denial instead of facing it. “Afrin is updated version of genocidal policies,” said the DTK.   Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Peoples and Beliefs Commission made a written statement and condemned the Armenian genocide took place on April 24, 1915 and remembered those who lost their lives. The statement states that all Anatolian and Mesopotamian peoples were subjected to major genocide and assimilation policies due to policies trying to form "one language”, “one nation” and “one state” began with the Committee of Union and Progress under the name of Turkification.   The statement noting that many people such as Kurdish, Armenian, Syriac, Ezidi and Circassians and belief groups faced these genocidal practices said, “The Armenian genocide took place in 1915 is the most comprehensive, destructive and no recoverable genocide among these genocide practices. About 1.5 million Armenians were killed in this genocide. And millions were exiled from their homeland; all the social dynamics forming on thousands of years the historical accumulation were destroyed. 103 years have passed since the human tragedy and Armenian genocide. However, despite all demands and expectations of all the international public opinion as well as the calls of the humanity, Turkish State avoided facing this dirty and inhuman reality, and preferred the denial. As a result of this mentality of denial, the genocidal policies practiced against the Armenian people are now practiced against the Kurdish people.     Racist, massacrist and genocidal policies of the Committee of Union and Progress were updated and practiced in many Kurdish cities such as Sur, Cizre, Silopi, Yüksekova, Nusaybin and Dargeçit. The Kurdish people were subjected to great demolition and genocide. Lastly, AKP-MHP government took the gangs came from Daesh and attacked Afrin, Syrian the most peaceful, safe, stable and peace city governed in a democratic system and invaded it. The invasion of Afrin is updated version of genocidal policies. We condemn strongly the genocidal practices particularly against Armenian people and all Anatolian and Mesopotamian peoples. We call on the AKP to face the past and to stop its genocidal policies and practices against the peoples.”