Women’s preparation for May Day: We have nothing to lose 2018-04-24 11:13:44   ANKARA - “We have nothing to lose anymore. We have to be together and stronger,” said the women who will raise their voices against the exploitation, war, oppression and gender inequality on the streets once again on May Day.   The women, who are subjected to more exploitation in unemployment, unsecured and flexible working conditions, have faced to be dismissed by the emergency decrees issued in the last process. The women will take to the streets on International Workers' Day, May 1 against the exploitation and darkness of the state of emergency. Emphasizing that all women should be together, the women of Ankara called on women to flock to the streets on May 1.   Pelin Bektaş, member of the Nar Women's Solidarity Network, emphasized that the women’s generaldemand in all conditions is freedom. Stating that the AKP government leaves Turkey breathless, Pelin said, “The reactionary policies towards women continue increasingly. Our most important demand is freedom. Now, the women need freedom to live in Turkey.”   ‘This struggle is the struggle of each of us’   Emphasizing that the AKP government took the freedom of many groups, particularly from the women, Pelin said, “We are fighting to defeat it. As women, we will take to the streets on May 1 for equality, peace and solidarity in order to stand up for our labor. We fight to grow the hope, this struggle is the struggle of each of us.”   Canan Çalağan, secretary of Eğitim Sen No.1 (Teachers’ union), stated that patriarchal capitalism has exploited women's labor for many years and that as women they have carried out the struggle in all areas against this. “May 1 has a more meaning in this process for us. Because we were dismissed from our jobs by the AKP government, our labor was seized,” said Canan and emphasized that they will take to the streets on May 1 against capitalist system fed by masculine government.”   ‘We have not time to lose anymore’   The Socialist Workers' Party of Turkey (TSİP) Central Executive Board member Ayşe Kaygusuz also stated that the women will take to the streets on May 1. Ayşe said, “We have so many common grounds to be together. The intellectuals, the social democrats, the revolutionaries and all the segments should have a common voice. Pressure and monism are imposed on us. I wish we could come together before this. But today we have no time to lose anymore. We have to be together and strong. I call on women to take to the streets for beautiful days.”