SOHR: Looting continues in Afrin 2018-04-23 15:20:39   NEWS CENTER - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has announced that the thefts and looting are still continuing in Afrin, where is under the control of the Turkish army and Free Syrian Army (FSA).   The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has reported that although 35 days passed of the control of the Turkish forces and the Syrian rebel and Islamic opposition factions on Afrin area, the thefts and looting are still continuing by the forces of the “Olive Branch” Operation against the citizens remaining in Afrin area.   SOHR also reports that they learned from a number of reliable sources that the forces of the “Olive Branch” Operation have expelled a number of families from their houses in Sharra Township, where about 10 families were expelled from the village under the pretext of belonging to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, Democratic Union Party and the Kurdish forces.   The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored that more young men and men in Afrin area were arrested, as well as torturing citizens, directing fabricated charges to them, beating and detaining them, and then they are released for large sums of money.