179 Kurdish women candidates to compete for Iraqi general election 2018-04-22 12:51:50   NEWS CENTER - 2,054 women have been shown as candidates in Iraqi election to be held May 12 and 179 of them have been shown as candidates by Kurdish parties.   Works has been accelerated for the general elections on May 12 in Iraq. 88 parties and electoral coalition are participating in these elections. 6,904 candidates will compete for the elections of 88 parties and an electoral coalition to occupy 329 parliamentary seats. 4,850 of them are men and 2,054 of them are women candidates. The ballot boxes will be set up in 54,000 points in the country having 24 million voters.   In the South Kurdistan region there are 3,144,730 voters. Candidates from 19 parties and four electoral coalitions and two independent candidates will compete for the general election in Kurdistan Region. Totally 503 candidates, including 357 men and 146 women, will compete for the election. The candidates will compete on 16 seats of Hewler province, 18 seats of Sulaymaniyah province and 12 seats of Dihok province.