İHD İzmir Branch: Patient inmate Mevlüde Başdaş should be released 2018-04-21 15:11:59   İZMİR - Human Rights Association (İHD) İzmir Branch demands the seriously patient Mevlüde Başdaş (59) held in Şakran Women’s Closed Prison to be released.   On the 429th week of the “Disappeared people must be found; the perpetrators must be tried” and “Patient inmates should be released” action, the Human Rights Association (İHD) İzmir Branch demands the patients inmates to be released. Members of the İHD and relatives of the inmates gathered outside of the Prime Ministry building located in Konak district of İzmir province unfurled banners reading, “Don’t stay silent, don’t be a party to this crime” and “No to one uniform”. The branch administrator Ahmet Çiçek read a statement on behalf of the İHD. Recalling that 1154 patient inmates and 402 seriously patient inmates have been held in Turkey’s prisons, Ahmet stated that the number of patient inmates is increasing day by day.   ‘Peace Mother should be released immediately’   This week, Ahmet draw attention to the situation of patient inmate Mevlüde Başdaş (59), who has been held in Şakran Women’s Closed Prison. Ahmet said, “Mevlüde Başdaş attended the human shield action held in rural area of Bagok Mountain located in Nusaybin district of Mardin province on November 1, 2015 in order to prevent the military operations and she is 59 years old. Last year, she was sentenced to four years and two months in prison. The prison sentenced was approved by the Supreme Court. She had a kidney transplant and she has suffered from diabetes. She had angiogram because of three blocked arteries. She also suffers from herniated disk pain. And her one eye see due to diabetes. We demand Mevlüde Başdaş to be released to be treated under healthy conditions.”