2 Ezîdi women rescued from Daesh 2018-04-17 13:34:52     SHENGAL -Two Ezîdi women held captive for four years by Daesh have been rescued by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).   Many Ezîdi women were held captive and sold in slave markets when Daesh gangs attacked Shengal on August 3, 2014. After the liberation of Shengal by the YPJ and YPG, the people began to return their homes and rebuild their lives. However, there were thousands of Ezîdi women and children held captive by Daesh. These women and children are being rescued day by day.   Two Ezîdi women held captive for four years by Daesh have been rescued by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and they were brought to Shengal. A welcoming ceremony was held in Sinune district of Shengal by Sinune People’s Assembly.   The two women reflected their happiness in tears. Families of rescued women spoke during the welcoming ceremony and they thanked the fighters rescued the two women from Daesh.   Sinune People’s Assembly member Canê Süleyman said, “First I want to convey my thanks to the fighters for freedom. Tomorrow is our Çarşema Sor (Red Wednesday) Festival. Now we are celebration two festivals because our two women have been rescued. We become happy when our people are rescued. For this reason, we will fight to rescue other people held captive by Daesh. I want to thank the fighters again.”   Sinune People’s Assembly Co-chair Xwedêda İlyas said, “I want to convey my thanks to the SDF fighters, who rescued these two women and brought them to their families. With the philosophy of Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) and their will, these fighters have rescued the people held captive by Daesh.  This idea and philosophy saved us from nonexistence. For this reason, we should follow the path of our martyrs to prevent these people from facing a massacre again.”