May Day Organizing Committee reacts to detention 2018-04-15 13:51:08   ISTANBUL - May Day Organizing Committee members condemn the detention of 22 people, including journalists, while carrying out work for celebration of May Day in Istanbul and said, “Calls for May Day cannot be prevented by detentions or police violence. Call for May Day is the call of the millions who do not surrender to the darkness.”   May Day Organizing Committee has released a written statement to condemn the detention of members of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) and reporters of ETHA.   The statement states that those who cannot stand the calls for May Day spreading in Istanbul and the four corners of Turkey try to prevent the calls by detaining people, “but the calls for May Day cannot be prevented by detentions or police violence; because call for May Day is not only our call it is also the call of the millions who do not surrender to the darkness of the new regime imposing the state of emergency. We demand our detained friends to be released immediately and we inform that we are in solidarity with them. We will continue repeat our call for May Day to the people with women, youths and elders while going to work and returning to home every day by singing our songs and dancing.”