‘Where are the weapons distributed on the night of coup? 2018-04-14 10:13:18   Şehriban Aslan   DİYARBAKIR - DTK Diyarbakır Delegates Co-spokesperson Zelal Bilgin stated that the attempted coup on July 15, 2016 in Turkey paved the way for individual armament and that “The doors of police stations were opened and they distributed weapons to the people in order to prevent the coup attempt. Nobody knows where these weapons are but today women are being killed by these weapons.”   Mukhtars (elected heads of villages or neighborhoods) received Kalashnikov and weapons training in Bursa province within the scope of Police Week celebrated on April 10. As this training was talked by people, it also sparked outrage. The people comment this training as the preparations for the civil war and paving the way for femicide. Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Diyarbakır Delegates Co-spokesperson Zelal Bilgin reacted to the individual armament and she said the given training was a canary in a coal mine.   ‘Number of killed women is more than balance sheet of a war’   Zelal said that there is a great violence in the society and that no policy is produced to overcome this violence. “The part of the balance sheet of the AKP that reflects the women is much more terrible and serious. Violence, harassment and rape against women are put under legitimated ground and increasing day by day. We are talking about femicide that has increased by 1,400 percent. It is more than the balance sheet of a war and this figure terrifies. We are trying to live and fight in such a society as women.   “Following the attempted coup on July 15, 2016, the doors of police stations were opened and they distributed weapons to the people in order to prevent the coup attempt. Nobody knows where these weapons are but today women are being killed by these weapons,” said Zelal and she asked, “How many women were killed by these weapons? Why weren’t these weapons recollected? For what purpose are these weapons now used?”   ‘The language of violence is continuously used’   Stating that Mukhtars received Kalashnikov and weapons training in Bursa province within the scope of Police Week celebrated on April 10, Zelal said the money spent for violence in Turkey wasn’t spent for the peace of the people. Zelal continued to speak as follows; “The country is heading for a complete chaos and civil war. If today the state gives 4000 bullets to each civilian and if the Mukhtars receives Kalashnikov and weapons training, if there is such an unexpected approach, if the people governing the country constantly use the language of violence, the result is very clear. We are heading for a civil war.”