Kongraya Star opens a branch in ‘Berxwedan Camp’ 2018-04-10 13:35:08   Lîlav Elî-Tolîn Muhemed   SHEHBA - Kongraya Star has opened a branch in ‘Berxwedan Camp’ built for displaced people of Afrin for women’s problems and organization.   People of Afrin, who were forcibly displaced from Afrin to Shehba Region due to the attacks of Turkey and its backed groups, have maintained their lives in the Berxwedan Camp. Kongraya Star has opened a branch in the camp to solve the problems women face and to strengthen the women’s organization in the camp.   Women keep their organization   Kongraya Star administration member Emine Sulêman emphasized that they have opened a branch in the camp to provide that the women organize themselves to solve the problem they face for a free life. Noting that the women keep their organization and resistance despite all the difficulties and impossibilities, Emine spoke as follows;   “The invaders who cause the people of Afrin to emigrate will never achieve their aims. The people of Afrin coming to Shehba Region don’t leave their culture and language. They will not bow to what is going on. We do our best for the people living in the camps in Shehba. We have opened schools for the children. Our works for the people of Afrin will continue. The people continue to practice the democratic system created by the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan wherever they live.”