Second hearing of 17 children in Nusaybin starts 2018-04-10 12:53:26   MARDİN - Second trial of 17 children, who were arrested during curfew declared in Nusaybin district of Mardin has started at Mardin 4th Heavy Penal Court today. Families of the children haven’t been allowed to enter the courtroom.   During the curfew imposed in the Nusaybin district of Mardin province, 76 people were evacuated from district on May 26, 2016. 67 people, including 17 children, who were arrested and subjected to torture while being arrested, were sent to prison. Second hearing of the 17 children accused of nine different allegations starts at Mardin 4th Heavy Penal Court today.   The children, who refused to give their statements through the Audio-Visual Information System (SEGBİS), have attended the hearing.  The families of the children haven’t been allowed to enter the courtroom and the hearing is being held as closed-door.     ’76 aggravated life imprisonments’ demanded for children   The first hearing of the children facing “76 aggravated life imprisonments” was held on January 9 as closed-door. And the journalists and families of the children weren’t allowed to enter the courtroom.   The children spoke of torture they faced   During the first hearing held after 2 years in prison, the children spoke of torture they had faced in custody and  they said they had been forced to sign a statement written. The children refused to accept their statement taken under torture. The children also spoke of sexual torture, threats and physical torture they had faced in custody.