Solidarity with the people of Afrin must be increased 2018-04-08 13:39:35   Lîlav Elî-Tolîn Muhemed   SHEHBA - Shehba Canton Co-chair Wefe Ebdo stated that more than 250,000 people of Afrin have been emigrated to Shehba until now and that diseases have been appeared within the people due to limitation of water. Wefe Ebdo called for increasing the solidarity with the people of Afrin.   The people of Afrin, who were forcibly displaced when Turkish army and its backed groups entered the Afrin city center on March 18, continue to resist in camps set up for them. Shehba Canton Co-chair Wefe Ebdo reported that the number of displaced people of Afrin is increasing day by day. Indicating that the people have lived under very hard conditions, Wefe said that Shehba was liberated as result of a great resistance but it becomes a target again.   ‘People left to protect themselves from a massacre’   Wefe spoke as follows; “We liberated our region by showing a great resistance against Daesh. But now we become a target for international powers and gangs. The people of Afrin left their city and came to Shehba in order to protect them from a massacre. The people resisted against the second largest army of NATO for two months. They came to Shehba Region when civilian casualties increased.”   ‘The camp is insufficient for the families’   Saying that they carry out works with Afrin Canton Assembly, Wefe stated that they have difficulty to meet the people’s needs because of the increasing number of people. “More than 250,000 people of Afrin have been emigrated to Shehba until now. We set up Berxwedan Camp along with Afrin Canton Assembly. Meeting the people’s needs becomes easier in the camp. But this camp is insufficient for the families. Some families had to live in houses Daesh planted mines,” said Wefe.   Stating that the needs of the people increase, Wefe put the needs in order as follows; “Clean water is among urgent needs. Nappies, milk and medicine are also among the needs. The number of the people is quite more. We haven’t got much aid until now. We gave the aids we received to the people. But they are not enough. Now, diseases have been appeared within the people due to limitation of water. Our medical supplies are limited.”   ‘Solidarity must be increased’   Wefe reported that they will build health points and a new village in the next days. She also called on international aids organizations as follows; “We have difficulties to meet the needs of children and women now. First they should send their aids to us. Our medical supplies are about to run out. Solidarity with the people of Afrin must be increased everywhere.”