Relatives of Disappeared ask fate of Recep Buttanrı 2018-04-07 13:48:44   DİYARBAKIR - On the 478th week of their sit-in, Relatives of Disappeared asked the fate of Recep Buttanrı who was forcibly disappeared on April 3, 1999.   Human Rights Association (İHD) Diyarbakır Branch and the Relatives of Disappeared have staged a sit-in with the motto, “Disappeared people must be found; the perpetrators must be tried” every week. Today, the members of İHD Diyarbakır Branch and Relatives of Disappeared gathered in building of the İHD Diyarbakır Branch for 478 times. Commission Against Disappearances of the İHD Diyarbakır Branch member Abdulselam İnceören asked the fate of Recep Buttanrı who was forcibly disappeared on April 3, 1999.   Mentioning that Recep was a soldier and he went to his home after receiving permission, Abdulselam said Recep went to bus terminal to buy ticket in order to return the army to finish his military service and emphasized that no news has been received from him since then.   ‘People in plain clothes entered the house’   Stating that three people in plain clothes went to Recep’s house after four days, Abdulselam added, “After forcibly entering the house, they gathered all the family members into a room and searched the house. According to the family members, they took 40 billion lira and their registered gun from the coal cellar and left the house. Recep Buttanrı’s mother went to Diyarbakır Police Headquarters and reported the incident and told the people had forcibly entered their house and taken their money were police officers and she identified the three people from the photographs shown her. After the identification, the police officers were concerned about that and forced the family out of the Police Headquarters.”   Expressing that the children collecting garbage told the family that they had seen Recep as tied hand and foot in the car of the three people, who raided the house, Abdulselam said the family therefore applied to the Diyarbakır Public Prosecutor’s Office. Abdulselam said that no one has received any news from Recep since then despite all efforts.