Sevkan threatened with death, police don’t care: Will you protect me after being killed? 2018-04-07 11:10:36   Gülistan Azak         MALATYA - Sevkan G., was subjected to systematic violence for 15 years by Özcan O. who Sevkan wants to divorce. However, the man is now threatening Sevkan with death. Many times, Sevkan has made complaints about Özkan O., who attempted to kill Sevkan by opening fire outside of her house and burning her workplace, Sevkan says police haven’t taken any measures despite her complains. “Will the state take measures after being killed? There is no justice. Speak out for me. I am ready to take action, just stand by me and organize together,” said Sevkan.   Men killed 25 women just in March. No one knows if a protection order had been issued for 92 percent of the killed women but four percent of them had protection order.   Sevkan G. is one of the thousands of women survived from violence. She spoke to our news agency and she is waiting for women’s solidarity. Because the authorities take no measure even though she has been threatened with death and she was about to be killed. Sevkan told of what happened and “I am ready, let’s organize together,” says Sevkan while calling on women.   Systematic violence lasted for 15 years   Sevkan G. was subjected to systematic violence for 15 years by her husband Özcan O. Özcan inflicted violence not only against Sevkan but also against her family, neighbors and children. Sevkan filed for divorce on October 30, 2017. Sevkan said Özkan had threatened her with death many times and she continued to speak as follows;   “Every night he walks in front of our apartment, he continues to send threat messages. My parents’ flat is on the ninth floor of the apartment but I don’t feel safe. I am afraid of going out to the balcony. Every day, we see women are killed by men. Does the state think to take measure after being killed?”   Sevkan said Özkan had been held in prison for three years for selling drugs and she added, “But he continues to sell drugs after being released from prison. He tried to kill his father. A man, who threatened my family, neighbors and children, is still outside and this shows the situation of the justice.   Sevkan reported that Özkan had opened fire outside of their apartment and burned her family’s workplace three days later, “Many times, we told the police ‘Come and take the footage of the security camera’ but they told us, ‘Not now, we will take the footage when we are available.’ I want to ask the police; the person, who you hadn’t detained, burned our workplace three days later.”   Sevkan’s mother F. said, “He is sending threat messages to my grandchildren. The perpetrator is still free despite everything. Where is the President, MPs of Malatya, mayor, police chief, law and justice? If the justice still exists, they should prove this.”   ‘We are ready to take action’   F. called on all women and she said, “It's time for stopping what the men are doing. My daughter and I are ready to take action, come and organize together and act in self-defense without waiting for police.”