‘Daesh is here’ written on walls in Afrin 2018-03-31 12:22:45   AFRIN - Daesh has revived in Afrin, where is under the control of Turkey and Free Syrian Army (FSA). “Dewle İslam El Fi” means “Daesh is here” is written on walls in Afrin.   Daesh has been reviving in Afrin, where is under the control of Turkey and Turkish-backed salafi groups called Free Syrian Army (FSA). Daesh writes “Dewle İslam El Fi” in Arabic which means “Daesh is here” on the walls of houses in Baflorê village of Afrin’s Jindires district.   It is known that “Daesh is here” is a slogan written by Daesh everywhere they invade. Before, several press outlets wrote that Daesh members are among the groups fighting in Afrin.