Solidarity event from KJAR for Afrin: Stop weapons sale to Turkey 2018-03-27 12:00:47   NEWS CENTER - Free Women's Community of Eastern Kurdistan (KJAR) held an event in Stockholm to be in solidarity with the people of Afrin. In their speeches, the women demanded the weapons sale to Turkey to be stopped.   Free Women's Community of Eastern Kurdistan (KJAR) held an event in Stockholm with Rojava Committees to be in solidarity with the people of Afrin. The event took place in a collective living house of Karpnäck district.   Rojava Committees members Scapa Strömdahl and Lilly Abrahamsson, who went to Rojava many times and carried out works there, gave information about Jinwar Women’s Village by using pictures.   KJAR member Vijan Alipour informed the participants about the democratic confederalism that forms a basis of the system in Rojava and the isolation imposed upon the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. Vijan also mentioned the attacks on Afrin and she criticized the financial support of the European Union countries to Turkey and the Swedish government to not openly condemn the attacks.   Lilly Abrahamsson pointed out that the weapons sold by European countries, particularly by Germany and England are being used against the Kurdish forces and she demanded the European countries to stop the weapons sale to Turkey.