Women of Afrin taking shelter in Shehba: Our will is stronger than your tanks 2018-03-26 11:33:58   Lilav Eli-Tolin Muhamed    AFRİN – 180 of Afrin’s families, who had to leave the city due to heavy bombardment, have been settled in the camp in Shehba. “Those who attack us with airplanes, tanks, and artillery should know very well that our will is bigger and stronger than your technology,” said the women.   Turkish army and their backed groups could enter Afrin city center after two months of bombardment from land and air. And hundreds of thousands of the people of Afrin had to leave the city and take shelter in Shehba. 180 families have been settled in the camp built on 12.5 acres of land with the solidarity of Shehba Canton Public Municipality and Afrin Canton Administration.   One of these people Eyşe Muhemed described Turkish army and their backed groups as “invaders”. Stating that they lived in peace in their village, Eyşe said, “They targeted our lands on the basis of their plans and they wanted to test us with massacre. Yes we were killed; they killed our children in front of our eyes. But we will never leave our struggle for honor. We got out Afrin due to the barbarism of the invading gangs. But they should think we leave our Afrin. We didn’t have a place to stay when we came to Shehba, this camp is good for us. At least we have a place to stay in with our children. Yes we hurt so bad in our heart but they should know that Afrin will never be theirs.”   ‘Our will is bigger and stronger than tanks and artillery’   Nura Muhamed, another woman staying in the camp, stated that they will return Afrin and she said, “Our lands are our honor and we will not leave our lands to the savages. We cannot live without lands so we will retake Afrin. Those who attack us with airplanes, tanks, and artillery should know very well that our will is bigger and stronger than your technology. We promise that Afrin will be the grave for Erdoğan and his gangs.”   ‘Afrin is the home of Arin Mirkan’   Sozan Fexi said, “Afrin is the home of Arin Mirkan. Which invader force can take us away from it? We exist with our martyrs, we will exist with them. They killed our children, destroyed our belongings and homes but we have YPG and YPJ and we will not give up our lands as long as we have the heroes who defend their people.”   ‘They killed a-day-old babies in front of us’   Gulê Şêxo emphasized that a-day-old babies had been killed in front of them but they didn’t surrender to anyone. Underlining that they will never surrender, Gulê said, “Our history is the history of resistance. Our resistance will lead us to the victory.”