Humanity knows this crime: Before in Maraş and Bosnia now in Afrin 2018-03-24 12:05:06       İZMİR – HDP Party Council member Arife Çınar pointed out the photos of Afrîn looting and recalled the massacres in Maraş and Bosnia.   Photographs shared on social media show the looting of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) containing the members of Al-Nusra and Daesh took place in Turkish attack on Afrin. The AKP Leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said “Some groups have such looting understanding” and he accepted the looting in Afrin.   Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Party Council member Arife Çınar likened what is going on in Afrin to the Maraş Massacre in 1978 and what was going on during the Bosnian War 1992-1995 and she emphasized that the laws of war have been violated.  Arife said, “There is a population consists of mostly the Kurdish people in the city. While their lands were being invaded, they were forcibly displaced. Their properties and belongings were looted.”   Arife said that the war brings a multi-dimensional invasion with it and that there was an attack on the history and statue of the people and the Kurdish people and she added, “These are the shames of this century and the history will write these. And we will be too late for many things while the history is writing these.”   Stating that democrats, Alevis, Greeks or opponents in Turkey face the same thing going on in Afrin, Arife said, “This happened in Maraş and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The looting understanding is same everywhere.”