Newroz in cities of Northern Syria 2018-03-21 18:50:02     NEWS CENTER - Thousands attended the Newroz celebrations in Qamıshlo, Kobanê, Hesekê, Dêrik, Tirbespiyê, Amûdê, Serêkaniyê, Til Temir, Dirbêsiyê  and Girê Sipi cities of the Northern Syria.   Newroz celebrations took place in many cities of Northern Syria.  Representatives of the Autonomous Management and democratic public organizations and many people attended the Newroz celebration in the Helek village of Girkêlege district. The people carried the photographs the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan,  Avêsta Xabûr and Barîn Kobanê, who were killed in Afrin, and those who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom. The flags of Kongreya Star, the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) and PYD were hung in the Newroz area.   The Newroz fire was lit by the mothers lost their children.   Shehba   Newroz celebration was took place in the Fafine village of Shehba district. The people of Shehba and the people of Afrin, who had to leave their houses due to the genocidal attacks of Turkey and its backed groups, attended the celebration. Thousands people attending the celebration protested the attacks on Afrin by shouting the slogan, “Long live the resistance of Afrin.”   Kobanê   Newroz celebrations in Kobanê and its villages began in the morning. Thousands of people of Kobanê attended the Newroz celebration took place at Arin Mirkan (Miştenur) Hill located in the city center. Representatives of the PYD and NGOs in the city also attended the celebration. The photographs of the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Barîn Kobanê, Avêsta Xabûr and İlan Dara and the flags of TEV-DEM and PYDwere hung in the Newroz area.    Qamishlo   Thousands of people attended the Newroz celebration organized in the city center. People of the viilages of Qamishlo also attended the celebration.   Hesekê   Newroz celebrations in Hesekê, Dêrik, Tirbespiyê, Amûdê, Serêkaniyê, Til Temir, Dirbêsiyê , Cizîrê and Girê Sipi are going on with the participation of thousands of people.