FEMEN: Erdoğan hands off Afrin 2018-03-19 11:57:10   NEWS CENTER - “Every people has right to determine their destiny and this includes the Kurdish people. FEMEN supports the Kurdish people and civilians in Afrin,” said FEMEN supporting the resistance of the people of Afrin against Turkish attacks on Afrin.   As the offensive of Turkey and and Turkish-backed groups on Afrin has entered in its 59th day, the city center has been looted by these groups since yesterday. Agence France Press (AFP) has documented the ongoing looting in the city. Yesterday, Afrin Autonomous Administration made a statement and stated that the resistance has entered a new stage and reported that more than 500 civilians have been killed in Afrin until now. As the actions and protests in Europe and Kurdistan against the offensive of Turkey and and Turkish-backed groups are going on, another support to the resistance come from FEMEN.   FEMEN writes “Erdoğan hands off Afrin” on its official social media account and write, “Every people has right to determine their destiny and this includes the Kurdish people. FEMEN supports the Kurdish people and civilians in Afrin.”