Women declare mobilization for Afrin 2018-03-19 11:34:35   NEWS CENTER- Women determine an action calendar and declare mobilization for Afrin in the National Women's Workshop held in Brussels.   A National Women's Workshop was held at the building of the Kurdish National Congress (KNK) in Brussels, Belgium with the participation of women from each part of Kurdistan. After one minute's silence for those who lost their lives in Afrin, the Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (TJK-E) Co-spokesperson Dilşa Osman made a speech. Underlining that Turkey and its allied groups are attacking the existence and freedom of the Kurdish people, Dilşa said they came together to determine a new action calendar.   After the speech, the Kurdish National Congress (KNK) Co-chair Nilüfer Koç spoke. Noting that an unfair war is being carried out in Kurdistan, Nilüfer stated that they should discuss why Turkey is attacking the Kurdish people and why the international states and organizations are keeping silent against the massacres against the Kurdish people. Nilüfer continued to speak as follows; “We had many experiences like Halabja, Enfal, Dersim and other massacres about how the enemies approach the Kurd. Afrin is not just a city. A new Kurdish identity has formed in Afrin and this identity has affected all Middle East. The Kurds pay many prices, the most women were targeted but the women has always an attitude.”   The women of Kurdistan have declared mobilization for Afrin and announced their plans for actions as follows;   *Setting up a crisis desk to coordinate indefinite actions of women,   *Forming a delegation to meet women’s organizations in Europe, organizing an attitude and solidarity on this basis,   * Boycotting of Turkish goods everywhere, moral and material support from everyone to the people pf Afrin,   *Sending a letter to the Southern Kurdistan Parliamentary President and its parliamentarians to break their silence,   *Sending letter to the Iraqi government and parliament to determine an attitude against Turkish state’s dirty policies and massacres,   *Sending a women’s delegation to Al-Azhar University in Egypt to carry out meetings on how Erdoğan harms the picture of Islam,   *Sending a delegation to the Vatican for the same purpose.