First Newroz fire lit in Urfa 2018-03-18 15:24:29   URFA - First Newroz fire has been lit in Siverek district of Urfa after two years. The people began to shout the slogan, “Long live resistance of Afrin”.   The first Newroz fire has been lit in Siverek district of Urfa. The people of the district came together at  Buğday Market for Newroz celebration organized by the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Party of Labour (EMEP) and Socialist Party of Kurdistan (PKS) with the motto, “Let’s strengthen resistance with the spirit of Newroz; let’s gain the victory in Afrin”.   Citizens discussed with the police officers due to police blockade at the entrance of the area. Yellow, red and green flags weren’t allowed to take in the area and the citizens were told, “These colors are forbidden”. Police broke the tooth of a child aged between 12 and 13 to object to be searched.   The women filled the Newroz area with their colorful clothes. The people often shouted the slogans such as, “Martyrs are immortal”, “Long live Newroz” and “Long live resistance of Afrin”.   The celebration began when HDP Urfa MP Osman Baydemir lit the Newroz fire. The celebration is going on.