Footage of Avrin Hospital bombed by Turkish army 2018-03-17 16:16:14   AFRÎN - Video and pictures of Avrin Hospital after being bombed by Turkish army have been released. The video and pictures show the damage on the hospital building.   Video and pictures of Avrin Hospital after being bombed by Turkish Armed Forces have been released. The video and pictures show the damage on the hospital building. The pictures also show two ambulances and vehicles belonging to civilians.   The sign at the entrance of the Nexweşxana Avrin (Avrin Hospital) has fallen in the footage recorded by local sources in Afrin.   Civilians killed   At least nine civilians were killed and tens of civilians were wounded in yesterday’s bombardment on the hospital.   Turkish Armed Forces issued a statement on their Twitter account regarding the bombing of the Avrin Hospital and shared pictures and footage and claimed that they were the footage of the hospital but the area marked as the hospital building in the footage is a printing house in Afrin.