From European Parliament to Turkey: Withdraw your troops from Afrin! 2018-03-16 07:52:42       NEWS CENTER- The motion for resolution that calls on the Turkey to “withdraw its soldiers from Afrin,” has been approved by the European Parliament.   The joint motion prepared by the European Parliament and parties for resolution in Syria that calls on the Turkey to “withdraw its soldiers from Afrin,” has been approved in Strasbourg today with 372 votes in favor. Before the vote, the paragraph on Afrin in the joint proposal was changed. A new sentence reading, “The European Parliament expresses deep concerns about Turkey’s intervention against regions in Syria under Kurdish control,” has been added to the paragraph.   Stop the offensive   The motion states, “Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch in the Kurdish-controlled province of Afrin has added a new dimension to the conflict in Syria, raising additional humanitarian concerns and worries about the negative impacts on the delicate internal balances in Syria and/or the efforts towards a negotiated solution; stresses that a high number of civilian casualties has already been reported and that hundreds more civilian lives are at risk; whereas the VP/HR, on behalf of the EU, has clearly voiced these concerns, calling on the Turkish Government to stop its offensive and highlighting the need to focus on defeating the UN-listed terrorist organisations.”   Tayyip Erdoğan: Your words will go in one ear and out the other   AKP Leader Tayyip Erdoğan talked about the call of the European Parliament and he said, “European Parliament asks from us to stop our operation. There is a woman responsible for development, she says this. Don’t get your hopes up. We will only leave Afrin once our work is done. Hey, European Parliament, what are you doing until now so that you can tell us this? These words will go in one ear and out the other.”