Saturday Mothers: We demand justice for our disappeared 2018-02-17 14:32:28   ISTANBUL - On 673rd week of their protest, the Saturday Mothers asked the perpetrators of Rıdvan Karakoç, who was killed in custody and said, “We demand justice for Rıdvan and for all of our disappeared.”   Saturday Mothers gathered in Istanbul's Galatasaray Square for 673rd time to ask the fate of their loved ones forcibly disappeared and to demand the perpetrators to be tried. The mothers placed white scarves and roses on the large white banner reading “The perpetrators are known, where the disappeared are?” In this week protest, the mother demanded justice for Rıdvan Karakoç, who was forcibly disappeared on February 20, 1995 and then his body was found. The mothers also indicated that they would carry out the struggle of Mother Asiye Karakoç, who died on December 7, 2016.   ‘We will carry Asiye’s struggle’   Hüseyin Ocak, brother of Hasan Ocak who was forcibly disappeared in custody on March 21, 1995, was the first person began to talk in the protest. Noting that Rıdvan Karakoç had an important place in their life for 23 years, Hüseyin said they would carry Asiye’s struggle.   Hasan Karakoç, brother of Rıdvan Karakoç, said they had gathered at Galatasaray Square for 23 years and they witnessed the death of many mothers. Stating that the people governing the country are deaf and dumb, Hasan said, “The file has been kept on dusty shelves of the courthouse for 23 years but no process has been made yet. We sometimes ask the prosecutor which process has been made. But whenever we go to the courthouse, we see the prosecutor has been changed.”   A member of the Saturday People Gönül Sonbahar read this week’s statement. Stating that they want to reach the people forcibly disappeared in custody, Gönül said, “We demand the perpetrators of this crime against humanity and whoever is responsible must be tried and brought to book. We demand justice for Rıdvan and for all of our disappeared.”