Olive factory targeted in attacks on Afrin 2018-02-17 13:18:55   AFRÎN - As the attacks of Turkish army and Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Afrin are going on, the reports say an olive factory located in Jindires district of Afrin was targeted and economic damage has been occurred in the factory.   Reports say the Turkish army and Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) targeted an olive factory located in Jindires district of Afrin. Economic damage has been reported from the factory hit by howitzer shelling. Not only the olive factory, but also the surrounding olive gardens and orchards have been damaged due to the bombardment.   The olive factory is a significant source of income for the people of Afrin. 30 percent of the olive production in Syria has been produced in Afrin. The estimated number of trees in Afrin and surrounding areas are 15 million olive trees.