Police raid buildings of HDP/DBP in Malatya 2018-02-13 12:13:57   MALATYA - Police have raided the building of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) in Malatya and detained many people. The search in the buildings continues.   Police raided the building of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) in Malatya in the morning and detained many people. Confirmed names of those detained are as follows; HDP Malatya Provincial Co-chair Perihan Yücekaya, DBP Malatya Co-chair Mahmut Bilgiç, HDP/DBP administrators Halise Kızıl, Abuzer Adıyaman, Sibel Yaylagül, Bülent Karataştan and Hasan Şahin.   Search in the buildings continues.