Meral Danış Beştaş: This riot of color scares the AKP 2018-02-13 10:15:12   Filiz Zeyrek   ADANA - Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Adana MP Meral Danış Beştaş commented on detention and arrest operations conducted in Ankara against the HDP members just before the party’s congress and she said, “These willful attacks are the intolerance against a determined and courageous structure consists of the Alevis, the Sunnis, the Turks, the Arabs, the Syrians, and the Yezidis to carry out the same struggle with the Kurdish people. This riot of color scares the AKP.”   Before 3rd Ordinary Congress of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), many people were detained in the detention operations conducted against the members of the HDP, the Peoples’ Democratic Congress (HDK), the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP). Despite the detention and oppression, tens of thousands from cities of Turkey and Kurdistan flocked to the congress held on February 11, 2018. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Adana MP Meral Danış Beştaş commented on detention and arrest operations conducted in Ankara against the HDP members just before the party’s congress and she condemned the operations and she demanded an immediate release of the detained politicians. “This attack is just a repression attack, but they will never succeed to prevent and this attack will not work,” said Meral.   ‘They are afraid of the colors coming together’   Expressing that they (the government) haven’t even hidden the reason for the recent operations, Mearl said that the government is afraid of the colors (different people) in Turkey coming together; “It has kept the non-stop coup period started just before June 7 in order to prevent the HDP from carrying out politics. Nine of our MPs are still being held in prison. And to cap it all, they attack our members, co-chairs and co-spokespersons.”   ‘It will not work’   “They try to prevent the struggle by attacking, but they will never succeed, this attack will not work,” Meral said, “As the Parliament's third largest political party, we have the rights they have and we will never allow them to take these rights from us. Another aim of these attacks and operations is the intolerance against the solidarity of the HDP with different groups. These willful attacks are the intolerance against the determined and courageous structure consists of the Alevis, the Sunnis, the Turks, the Arabs, the Syrians, and the Yezidis to carry out the same struggle with the Kurdish people. This riot of color scares the AKP. No matter what they do, we will be one heart of the colors and the people in Turkey. They will never break our resistance.”